May I add my two cents? Nope, says post officePostal rate increases; No one goes postalStamps of disapprovalHave any two-cent stamps? Meiyou [Chinese for "don't have," pronounced like Mayo as in the clinic, repeated daily to waigoren at Chinese post offices when they have the audacity to ask for stamps] [add your own cheesy headline here]Stamps jump from 37 to 39 cents. Post office goes dry of two-centers at 3 p.m. Reporter meets Chinese women at post office, interviews them in Chinese:'s note to paper staff re. the story (emphasis on the last line of it):
"Props also to [me] for the late-in-the-day save on the Post Office story. [Our editor] got word in the afternoon that the 2-cent stamps were gone and sent Dan to check it out. A great bit of reporting in a short period of time provided Dan, and our readers, with a nice read that contained lots of numbers and some great detail. And leave it to Simmons to find a Chinese angle to the story. ... It's All China, All The Time with Mr. Simmons."